1. Enable Multiple Security Groups
Prior to R11.5 the Oracle HRMS Application used the standard security model
which required a different responsibility to be setup for each separate security profile. With the base release of 11.5 a new functionality was included introducing an alternative security model.
The new model can allow a responsibility to be re-used by many Business Groups/security profiles. This allows a single responsibility to be used to access data in multiple security
profiles (and therefore business groups).
With the new security model the Security Profile options should not be set manually by the system administrator Profiles -> System form as these are derived at login via Responsibility and Security Group combination (from options chosen from the Assign Security Profiles Form)
2. Exclude User checkbox
Exclude User checkbox.This is used for Self-Service Human Resources (SSHR) User Security Profiles to prevent users being able to see themselves when using SSHR functions i.e. to avoid scenarios that could cause conflict of interest such as the ability to approve oneself for a promotion or a salary increase.
3. Enable HR: Cross Business Group System Profile option
Enable "HR: Cross Business Group" System Profile option.
Enabling this option help implement supervisor-based security. For example, if an employee in one country can supervise another - you can nominate that person as a supervisor even though that person may be in a different business group. Therefore it is no longer necessary to duplicate supervisor's details in more than one business group.
4. Enable Multiple Security Groups
Prior to R11.5 the Oracle HRMS Application used the standard security model which required a different responsibility to be setup for each separate security profile. With the base release
Prior to R11.5 the Oracle HRMS Application used the standard security model
which required a different responsibility to be setup for each separate security profile. With the base release of 11.5 a new functionality was included introducing an alternative security model.
The new model can allow a responsibility to be re-used by many Business Groups/security profiles. This allows a single responsibility to be used to access data in multiple security
profiles (and therefore business groups).
With the new security model the Security Profile options should not be set manually by the system administrator Profiles -> System form as these are derived at login via Responsibility and Security Group combination (from options chosen from the Assign Security Profiles Form)
2. Exclude User checkbox
Exclude User checkbox.This is used for Self-Service Human Resources (SSHR) User Security Profiles to prevent users being able to see themselves when using SSHR functions i.e. to avoid scenarios that could cause conflict of interest such as the ability to approve oneself for a promotion or a salary increase.
3. Enable HR: Cross Business Group System Profile option
Enable "HR: Cross Business Group" System Profile option.
Enabling this option help implement supervisor-based security. For example, if an employee in one country can supervise another - you can nominate that person as a supervisor even though that person may be in a different business group. Therefore it is no longer necessary to duplicate supervisor's details in more than one business group.
4. Enable Multiple Security Groups
Prior to R11.5 the Oracle HRMS Application used the standard security model which required a different responsibility to be setup for each separate security profile. With the base release
of 11.5 a new functionality was included introducing an alternative security model.
The new model can allow a responsibility to be re-used by many Business Groups/security profiles. This allows a single responsibility to be used to access data in multiple security
profiles (and therefore business groups).
With the new security model the Security Profile options should not be set manually by the system administrator Profiles -> System form as these are derived at login via Responsibility and Security Group combination (from options chosen from the Assign Security Profiles Form)
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